Operation Records Book (RAF Form 541): 114 Squadron Falconara 5/6 March 1945. Boston IV BZ513 Sgt. Evans D G - Sgt. Carolan F J - F/S Bott N - Sgt. Holland N J K - UP 21.02 MISSING. Eight A/C were briefed and all took off. Three A/C on road recce FERRARA - PADUA - CASTELFRANCO - MONTEBELLUNO reported weather good, vis fair but conditions very dark.
http://www.joebaugher.com/usaf_serials/usafserials.html: Douglas A-20J-20-DO Havoc 43-22011 to RAF as Boston IV BZ513. Missing from night intruder mission Mar 6 1945.
Non sono noti i motivi della perdita del Boston, e non si conosce il luogo di caduta. Il pilota Sgt. D.G. Evans riposa al Padua War Cemetery. Il resto dell'equipaggio e' ricordato al Malta Memorial.