19 aprile 1945 - Mosquito XIII Nr. HK508 - Ferrara

Operation Records Book (RAF Form 541): Forlì L.G. 19/4/45 Mosquito XIII HK508 - S/L C.M. Smith, F/O H.J. Wilmer - Armed Recce - Up 05.15 - This Mosquito airborne on Armed Recce Battle line north to Po river, failed to return to base. See next sortie for futher details.

Ciò che accadde viene riportato nel rapporto successivo stilato dal F/O Seed, in volo quella stessa notte sul Mosquito MM534: Observed HK508 to strafe two stationary M/T at M.2191, leaving one in flames and one smoking. Aircraft MM534 straffed same M/T, leaving both in flames. After straffing run ... HK508 broke off to the south and MM534 broke off to the north. Scant 40mm flak was observed to come up from the area but HK508 was not seen to be hit. Called up and asked him if he was alright. Reply was, "OK, flying 180°." Aircraft was then observed at 200ft flying south. About 60 seconds later pilot of HK508 called up saying, "Navigator has just baled out" and on request of the pilot of aircraft MM534 this message was repeated. Orbitted area 5 miles south of Copparo [FE], where aircraft HK508 was thought to be. Called up several times on R/T but no reply was received. Nothing seen on ground. Aircraft MM534 returned to base and landed at 06.30 hours.

Il Mosquito, presumibilmente colpito da flak, cadde presso Cona, trascinando con sé il pilota S/L Smith. La sua sepoltura fu ritrovata il 1 maggio successivo dal comandante del 256° Sqn, il quale potè anche visionare ciò che restava del velivolo precipitato. Il navigatore F/O Wilmer trascorse gli ultimi giorni di guerra come prigioniero. S/L Smith riposa all’Argenta Gap War Cemetery.


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